Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Independence from Iraq

Pieces like this one inspire me.

It is unpopular to criticize the American way of life. That does not sell newspapers. It does not make people feel good about themselves. I find that a very poor excuse. Since when should people feel good about inappropriate and maybe even irresponsible behavior?
We are in Iraq because at some level of consciousness, people decided that their way of life in the United States, supersedes the interests, and maybe even necessities of other people. Of course, that dynamic could not exist without the might of our military ready to back it up.

Under effective leadership, September 11, 2001 might have served as strong indication that our way of life is not sustainable, that it can only survive if we sacrifice the principles of democracy in this country, and other countries sacrifice their own existence.

We do not operate in a vacuum. Our lifestyle, firing on the engines of consumption, convenience, conformity, and consumerism in general, impacts the lives of people in locations far and near. Our weapons of mass consumption cause unrest, repression, turmoil and at the worst of times, terrorism on our own soil.

Our U.S. Government really does represent that which we have let them know time after time is our real desire--consumerism. As long as that rules, we can expect more of the same from our government.

I'll leave you with one quick illustration. Imagine that people tired of the occupation in Iraq just stopped going to work until the occupation ended. Now, assuming that everyone who disagrees with GWB's leadership in Iraq joins in the "stay at home strike," that might mean anywhere from 50-65% of the workforce absent. That means a lot of lost money for employers. Why would this never happen? It is not because corporations and our government would not bend. It is because people, deeply in debt and enslaved to their manufactured desires, would never be able to afford the time off.

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