Sunday, May 07, 2006

Your "liberal" media

This is the kind of thing that drives me crazy. Not only is it extremely childish and unprofessional, but people fall for it, so it continues to happen.

Compare these two articles about the senatorial race in Washington. First, an article about Cantwell. Next, one about McGavick looking to unseat Senator Cantwell.

No one is going to read the tripe the Times churns out anyway, but they will notice the photos. Mike's appears to be at his second grade best, but Cantwell's seems a little off. Subtle but effective. Indeed, it's nice to see the candidates run on the issues, and it's even better to see the press attempting to tease out the issues so that the public can easily participate in the process.

I was reading the paper and noticed the photo of Cantwell. I assumed the most recent article about Mike would be in similar fashion. Boy did I assume too much. Liberal media, my ass.

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