Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This article is worth a read. To get you started:

That's one of the key results of the white paper Assessing the Value of sustainable, presented at a sustainability forum in Melbourne by Jones Lang LaSalle national director of sustainability and engineering services, Chris Wallbank.

"Commercial outcomes are beginning to drive the 'greening' of Australian office property as building owners seek to drive higher levels of efficiency from their property portfolios," he said.

Unfortunately, the current climate crisis has in large part been caused by our sacred notions corporate governance (i.e. that owners investment supersedes any other consideration). It is refreshing to note that the solution to this problem may actually lie in the same paradigm. I am not yet convinced, but if people can maximize the investment of the owners by buidling green, then there may yet be some hope. Of course, it will take a lot more than green buidling practices, but at least it may contribute to the solution instead of the problem.

If you doubt that this is only possible in foreign countries, have a look at this, from the reddest state of our fair nation.

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