Monday, February 20, 2006

Biodiesel and Washington

I agreed with the authors of the State of the Union address that the people of the United States are addicted to oil. I was surprised to read about that statement in the address and I was consequently a little disappointed to hear the next day that people determining the energy policy really have no intention or plan to loosen the grip of oil.

I can rant about things out of my control endlessly and often do, but I will try to limit those rantings to non-blog speech.

There are many groups in Washington State has been pushing alternative energy subsidies and other initiatives. The latest is described in this article in the PI. The PI refers to the Seattle Post intelligencer. If any sort of national movement toward renewable and sustainable growth is ever going to develop, it must be driven by the people locally. I know there are many many people especially in this area who spend a lot of time trying to develop and market technology, some with success. Just last year, the legislature in Washington signed a bill into law that awarded tax credits to organizations using alternative energy. The more these initiatives are enacted the more others will take note and jump on board.

I know this has very little to do with the law or my practice, but this is something that I feel may be very applicable to both Russia and Washington in the future. If we are going to drive cars that are fueled by biodiesel, then a lot of farmers will have to grow the ingredients. Others will need to process it. It means jobs, and work for Russians and Washingtonians. They could be both. Much will depend on what we do, here in our local communities in the next few years. Could mustard seeds actually be the antidote to our addiction?

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