Saturday, February 18, 2006

Seattle Attorney Network and blogs

As most solo and small firm practitioners know, networking is an essential activity. One of the more enjoyable networking groups in Seattle is the appropriately titled, Seattle Attorney Network.

Each month we get together, have coffee, and talk about our practices. One subject of constant debate and sometimes derision is "blogs," or should I call them, blawgs? One blog that I particularly enjoy is Danny Bronski's. I find that it incorporates interesting content about the law with a strong portion of personality. In my opinion, blogs need both to be worth reading. The law is only relevant because it applies to people. Otherwise it is a theory, a set of rules. It is an exam in law school that the professor made up to torture law students.

On a loosely related note, is there are better designation for solo and small firm practitioners? Lawyers in large firms are often referred to as "biglaw." Do we have anything similar?

1 comment:

Danny Bronski said...

Thanks...I definite appreciate the kind words, and SAN appreciates the self-promotion too. I will keep an eye on your blog so hopefully this motivates you to post regularly...

In answer to your inquiry, we are best referred to as "minnows", but I personally take pleasure in being underestimated.