Saturday, February 18, 2006

Changes, revisions, modificaitons

After a long break, I have decided to resume regular updates to this blog. However, I decided to modify its title and purpose. As you may or may not notice, I changed the title to reflect one of my favorite works of Russian literature with a cheap legal reference. I always liked saying the word "writs" anyway. It reminds of a crispy, buttery, cracker.

Having recently entered into a partnership with another lawyer, and engaged in the daily grind of building a practice, I think "underground" is a perfectly appropriate reference. Hopefully, it is a word that I will not relate to so well in the not too distant future.

I also realized that there is little value in limiting myself to Russian law. Of course, I plan to post regularly about my experience with Russian Law, but there are too many other ideas, events, and developments that I would like to discuss as well. I see no reason to limit things, and I hope you agree with me.

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