Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rumsfeld In SLC

I am impressed with the resolve of Donald Rumsfeld to speak at the American Legion in perhaps the most sheltered, brainwashed city in the United States (I know because I grew up there), and criticize those who criticize the work he is doing.

Rumsfeld criticized the number of newspaper stories on alleged abuses by troops compared to the stories about the first Congressional Medal of Honor winner from the Iraq War.

He called media coverage "inexcusable." Rumsfeld's speech was part of a coordinated White House strategy to aggressively challenge administration critics in the face of increasing public skepticism about U.S. involvement in Iraq The secretary only briefly touched on the war and offered no new insights, rather he repeated a pledge to push forward and urged the Legion to continue backing the troops.

When all else fails, you can always blame it on the messenger. It is interesting that even the ultra conservative press of the Salt Lake Tribune took a couple of swipes and the Secretary of Defense. It must be tough when SLC is the only place he can show his face in public. Don't be fooled though, there are some great people in Salt Lake City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Utahns?! The people there call themselves 'Utahns'?! That just proves how backwards they are. And can I ask - why no mention of the the FLDS and the news on Jeffs' capture? Even papers here in Santa Cruz covered it. Maybe I've answered my own question.